catholic news service

Pope: All religions are paths to God

Pope: It's time for witness

Vatican decision on Medjugorje

Pope: Who is Jesus to you?

Pope tells Muslims, Catholics: Be fraternal!

Pride 'poisons' righteousness, pope says

George Weigel on the church in Latin America

Pope: Have courage to say 'no' to atrocities

A role for the church in Gaza

Synod members gather for retreat

Pope Francis goes to confession

Quest to uphold the seal of confession

Archbishop Chaput on the politics of abortion

Cardinal Kasper on sex and second unions

Bishop McElroy: Debating the synod

Cardinal O'Brien on the pope's resignation and the next pope

Blessed Romero’s deep faith recalled

Pope: Beware the devil

Two years of Pope Francis

A march for traditional marriage

Pope prays for fallen Ukrainian soldier

Protectors of the pope

U.S. seminarians in Rome reflect on the Litany of Humility

Pope meets Indonesia leaders